IMSA iRacing Series - Fixed

December 31, 2023
Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans 24 Heures du Mans


1 Jorge AlberolaaIberiaPorsche 963 GTPGTP1121:38:27.47403:24.054
2 Jason McGrathCanadaPorsche 963 GTPGTP1103.03003:24.761
3 Oliver BrocklehurstUK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP1112.23803:25.551
4 Iván Santamaría OrtegaIberiaBMW M Hybrid V8GTP1126.36603:24.970
5 Ian Fleming4UK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP1127.92603:24.663
6 Joe CiampaUK and IPorsche 963 GTPGTP1141.81303:26.492
7 Matthew ChevertonUK and IPorsche 963 GTPGTP1153.87303:26.885
8 Esdras FranquimBrazilPorsche 963 GTPGTP1101:02.54503:27.704
9 Lewis McGladeUK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP1101:18.20803:27.841
1 Harald CretonFranceDallara P217DALLARA P2171101:50.38803:32.810
2 Lukasz PawloskiCentral-Eastern EuropeDallara P217DALLARA P2171102:04.31903:34.114
10 Sebastian LotzCentral-Eastern EuropePorsche 963 GTPGTP1102:11.20203:25.676
3 Ruslan SabitovCentral-Eastern EuropeDallara P217DALLARA P2171102:11.35703:33.949
4 Derrick MoellerMidwestDallara P217DALLARA P2171102:37.19503:36.152
5 Jay GrindMid-SouthDallara P217DALLARA P2171102:57.56503:38.460
11 Giorgio AuditoreInternational ClubAcura ARX-06 GTPGTP101 LAP03:23.354
1 Beckham JacirFloridaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:54.988
2 Matias Orjuela2IberiaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:54.995
3 Jamie ChristisonAustralia/NZBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:56.195
4 Paulo J FonsecaCanadaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:56.717
5 Tarcilo de AssisBrazilBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:57.544
6 Devid DemidovCentral-Eastern EuropeBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:57.164
7 Eric LoveMid-SouthBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:58.081
8 Alexander BurtUK and IFerrari 296 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:58.174
6 Martí PinellIberiaDallara P217DALLARA P217101 LAP03:38.171
9 Nico SpiegelDE-AT-CHPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA23101 LAP03:59.084
10 Jure VugdelijaScandinaviaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:59.293
11 Armando FilhoBrazilBMW M4 GT3IMSA23101 LAP03:59.012
12 Sebastian HeiseNew EnglandPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA23101 LAP03:58.282
13 Harley KeebleUK and IPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA23101 LAP03:58.569
7 Moniko MonovNew YorkDallara P217DALLARA P21792 LAPS03:33.806
12 Thomas Postec6FrancePorsche 963 GTPGTP83 LAPS03:26.713
14 Naser AlAliAsiaBMW M4 GT3IMSA2383 LAPS03:58.524
15 Nicolas CinquiniItalyMercedes-AMG GT3 2020IMSA23110 LAPS

Open Practice

1 Beckham JacirFloridaBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
1 Harald CretonFranceDallara P217DALLARA P2170
2 Matias Orjuela2IberiaBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
3 Jamie ChristisonAustralia/NZBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
1 Giorgio AuditoreInternational ClubAcura ARX-06 GTPGTP0
2 Oliver BrocklehurstUK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP0
4 Paulo J FonsecaCanadaBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
2 Ruslan SabitovCentral-Eastern EuropeDallara P217DALLARA P2170
3 Jason McGrathCanadaPorsche 963 GTPGTP0
4 Jorge AlberolaaIberiaPorsche 963 GTPGTP0
5 Tarcilo de AssisBrazilBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
5 Sebastian LotzCentral-Eastern EuropePorsche 963 GTPGTP0
6 Jure VugdelijaScandinaviaBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
7 Harley KeebleUK and IPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA230
8 Sebastian HeiseNew EnglandPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA230
6 Ian Fleming4UK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP0
9 Eric LoveMid-SouthBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
3 Moniko MonovNew YorkDallara P217DALLARA P2170
10 Nicolas CinquiniItalyMercedes-AMG GT3 2020IMSA230
7 Iván Santamaría OrtegaIberiaBMW M Hybrid V8GTP0
4 Lukasz PawloskiCentral-Eastern EuropeDallara P217DALLARA P2170
11 Alexander BurtUK and IFerrari 296 GT3IMSA230
8 Lewis McGladeUK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP0
9 Joe CiampaUK and IPorsche 963 GTPGTP0
12 Naser AlAliAsiaBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
13 Armando FilhoBrazilBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
14 Devid DemidovCentral-Eastern EuropeBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
15 Nico SpiegelDE-AT-CHPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA230
10 Matthew ChevertonUK and IPorsche 963 GTPGTP0
11 Thomas Postec6FrancePorsche 963 GTPGTP0
12 Esdras FranquimBrazilPorsche 963 GTPGTP0
5 Derrick MoellerMidwestDallara P217DALLARA P2170
6 Jay GrindMid-SouthDallara P217DALLARA P2170
7 Martí PinellIberiaDallara P217DALLARA P2170

Lone Qualifying

1 Jorge AlberolaaIberiaPorsche 963 GTPGTP203:22.771
2 Giorgio AuditoreInternational ClubAcura ARX-06 GTPGTP203:23.658
3 Oliver BrocklehurstUK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP203:24.336
4 Sebastian LotzCentral-Eastern EuropePorsche 963 GTPGTP203:24.346
5 Jason McGrathCanadaPorsche 963 GTPGTP103:24.928
6 Iván Santamaría OrtegaIberiaBMW M Hybrid V8GTP203:25.017
7 Joe CiampaUK and IPorsche 963 GTPGTP203:25.087
8 Ian Fleming4UK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP103:25.268
9 Thomas Postec6FrancePorsche 963 GTPGTP203:26.079
10 Lewis McGladeUK and ICadillac V-Series.R GTPGTP203:27.084
11 Matthew ChevertonUK and IPorsche 963 GTPGTP203:27.468
1 Harald CretonFranceDallara P217DALLARA P217203:31.966
2 Lukasz PawloskiCentral-Eastern EuropeDallara P217DALLARA P217203:33.750
3 Ruslan SabitovCentral-Eastern EuropeDallara P217DALLARA P217203:33.967
4 Martí PinellIberiaDallara P217DALLARA P217103:40.196
1 Beckham JacirFloridaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23103:56.045
2 Matias Orjuela2IberiaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23203:57.141
3 Paulo J FonsecaCanadaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23103:57.900
4 Alexander BurtUK and IFerrari 296 GT3IMSA23103:58.741
5 Naser AlAliAsiaBMW M4 GT3IMSA23103:58.964
6 Eric LoveMid-SouthBMW M4 GT3IMSA23203:59.982
7 Armando FilhoBrazilBMW M4 GT3IMSA23204:00.346
8 Nicolas CinquiniItalyMercedes-AMG GT3 2020IMSA23204:00.832
9 Nico SpiegelDE-AT-CHPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA23104:02.466
10 Jamie ChristisonAustralia/NZBMW M4 GT3IMSA232
11 Tarcilo de AssisBrazilBMW M4 GT3IMSA231
12 Jure VugdelijaScandinaviaBMW M4 GT3IMSA230
13 Harley KeebleUK and IPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA232
14 Sebastian HeiseNew EnglandPorsche 911 GT3 R (992)IMSA231
5 Moniko MonovNew YorkDallara P217DALLARA P2172
15 Devid DemidovCentral-Eastern EuropeBMW M4 GT3IMSA231
12 Esdras FranquimBrazilPorsche 963 GTPGTP1
6 Derrick MoellerMidwestDallara P217DALLARA P2170
7 Jay GrindMid-SouthDallara P217DALLARA P2170